John 2:5
If we would follow the Lord Jesus as the servants did at the Cana wedding feast our lives would be so much better off. By doing, “Whatsoever he saith,” we would save a lot of heartaches and headaches. It would bring a halt to the ‘what ifs’ and indecision. We have been given a free will and so we have choices to make. I have stated repeatedly that it has always been about the choices that you and I are making. We will either be rebels who believe that we know what's best or we will die to self and be filled with the Holy Spirit and be empowered and enabled to live the best life that God has planned for us. Can anyone truly say that any choice outside of God’s commandments and directions has been of any benefit? God's way is the best way always.
The Lord Jesus says in John 14:14,”If ye love me, keep my commandments.” My wife has often spoken about how when she was growing up that it was her love and reverence for her parents that she held close to her (as well as their commands and directions that she was to follow) that led her to make right decisions in her life. Don’t miss the spiritual application of this. We should approach the Lord’s commandments in the same manner. Rebellion will lead us in the wrong direction every time. Time after time I believe we quote Psalm 119:105 and never really give it much thought. The psalmist writes, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Will you please consider and contemplate God’s word as the light that shines upon your feet and your path. Don't be a rebel. Trust God with the totality of your life. That will be a great first step to start your day.