Matthew 16:24-26
How strange this must have sounded to the disciples and how much more strange it must sound to most today. We live in a culture of pleasure seeking, where success is measured in monetary gain and the ease in which we live our lives. I’m afraid that the world’s culture has found its way into the hearts, minds and lives of many Christians. It is getting harder to see the difference between the born again and the lost. Too many believe that to deny their selves anything would be to drop out of the game of life. Too often we believers choose comfort over the taking up of our cross and if we are to follow the Lord Jesus Christ it must not interfere with our own hopes, dreams and schedules that we have chosen for ourselves. Most men wouldn't dare put the Lord before their tee time and the women's tea time seems too often to cut into God's time. God should not be getting our leftovers.
Take some quiet time and examine your heart and your motives. I have learned that God has the best plan for our lives. When we choose to deny our own plans, our own will and our own desires we will walk down the path of the Lord’s wonderful and exciting plan He has for our lives and His desires will be our desires! Dear believer, what path are you on?