I Corinthians 1: 18
I recently read, “Winston Churchill paid a great tribute to the young men in the Royal Air Force who guarded England during the war, saying, “Never in the history of mankind have so many owed so much too so few.”
I also read that the Battle of Bastogne represents one of the bloodiest actions in World War II. A monument there pays tribute to the heroism of the US 101st Airborne Division: “Seldom has so much American blood been shed in the course of a single action. Oh, Lord, help us to remember!” But when thinking of the cross of Christ, we can say: “Never in the history of the universe has mankind owed so much to One.”
Upon the cross was won the greatest victory ever. The power of God, through the blood of Christ, is still sufficient to save the most violent, vile and sinful person at this very moment. There is no sin that is out of reach of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible says these glorious words, “And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins” (Ephesians 2:1). Those words should ring through our hearts forever more, as a reminder of who we once were and who we are and where we stand today in Christ Jesus.
If I may say- there are times when tears of joy flood my face when I think of being saved. I celebrate the Saviour! O the preciousness and the power of the One! I am certain there will be many who will read this that have been saved many more years than me. With that said it has never gotten old to me! The joy is like a candle that never finds its end! I praise God and lift His Mighty name!
Many good men and women have done many wonderful things for their fellow man that has been celebrated down through the ages and I in no way am I minimizing those wonderful things, but there has never been such an act of sacrifice and obedience as that which our precious Saviour accomplished in His finished work on the cross. So much is truly owed to One!