James 4:8a
The wonderful aroma of the cedar tree is truly activated when placed into a hot fire. I remember a cool fall day when I was cleaning and clearing some brush I threw some pieces of cedar on the fire. The cool fall air filled with the wonderful smell of that tree. I watched the smoke make its way far into the sky. That aroma seemed to saturate every place in that field and tree line.
In the times of deep trial and testing when I am in the Lord's kiln I humble my self in His mighty and caring hands. I draw near to the Lord by way of praising and blessing His name and in such times my desire is for there to be a plume of praise finding its way to my God that has an aroma that pleases and blesses Him.
The Bible says, "Cast your care upon him; for he careth for you" (1Peter 5:7). Your life will be filled with the wonderful aroma of peace when you come close and near to the Lord. It won't be the peace that the world gives, but the peace that the Lord Jesus promised, (John 14:27). Such peace will be on display for others to witness. As you draw near to almighty God it will be seen and known. You will be blessed and others will be prompted to ask you how it is you are handling the particular situation. The saints will be comforted and the sinners will know conviction. That will be an open door to share the Lord Jesus Christ.