"Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in thy word." Psalm 119:114
"Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them." Psalm 119:165
Too many Christians continue to borrow from the philosophies of the world. One such philosophy is what is known as "the power of positive thinking." What power is there to be found when ones hope is based purely on hope? There is no substance in such thinking. There is nothing wrong with being positive, but don't miss my point hope should have some muscle to it. Hope should have some substance to it because hope based on hope is rooted in emotion and emotion never stands nor stays for any length of time it eventually fizzles. True hope is rooted and built upon the foundation of truth. Such hope and truth will only come from the Word of God!
True living takes place when the storms of life batter and beat upon the bow and the sails are nearly torn by the continuous sweeping wind, yet God's Word is as a light from a light house cutting through the night keeping us steady and on course as the ship rocks back and forth. That is living at its best, and not just any living, but living in the promises and the power of Christ Jesus and the Word of the Living God. One will find a light to show the way, a hope in the midst of the storm and a peace that no circumstance can dampen.