Psalm 37:25-28
David is older and writes that God is faithful. The righteous delight in doing good, in giving, in sharing and providing to those in need. When God does a work in the life of the redeemed they become more Christ like and as they become more Christ like they begin to give. They start serving others and stop thinking of only themselves and their comfort, but they have a heart for others. The descendants of the righteous are blessed. Charles Spurgeon writes, “God pays back with interest to the next generation.”
We need to put down evil and let the Holy Spirit have His way with our hearts, minds and lives. Be quick to lay aside that which doesn’t belong to the child of God. Depart from the evil of murmuring. Turn away from all bitterness and speaking badly about one another. There is no gain in evil only heart ache and a grieving of the Holy Spirit. Darkness has no place in the heart of the redeemed. One must think deeper than just about themselves because there is no such thing as a self-serving Christian. Our Lord and Saviour did not set that example and neither should we live in such a way. We need to fix our minds upon God’s Word; we need to fix our eyes upon the Lord and we need to fix our hearts on being filled with the Holy Spirit and the by-product of all of those is that we will be doing good in the power that God provides. As a good friend of mine says, “Just do right.”
The Lord loves judgment or justice. Let’s break down two words within this twenty-eighth verse.
I. Forsake- To renounce; turn away from entirely; abandon.
II. Preserved- Protect or maintain.
Hebrews 13:5 says, “For he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” What a promise, that should ring in our hearts as we make our way throughout our days. Have you ever given your heart completely over to those words in the book of Hebrews? Have you? What did we just read in our verse for today in reference to God and His children, He, “Forsaketh not his saints.” Let that sink in, so the next time the devil comes knocking with a mouth full of discouragement take out your sword and simply say, “It is written.” Don’t argue with the devil; give him the Word of God. We have another gem in Psalm 9:10, “And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.” The promises of God are like steel in the spine of a Christian; they strengthen our steps and steady our lives.
If a family tradition is carried on into the next generation the lot of the fathers and mothers will be the same as the sons and daughters. The wicked will be cut off. For many the offer has been made and the way has been made through bloody Calvary and an empty tomb, but they choose to follow self, sin and the family way. That is sad, gut wrenching and heart breaking all at the same time.