The heart and soul of "A Call to the World Ministry" is two fold. Through the vehicle of the world-wide-web, my prayer and desire is that many will be saved and that Christians will be comforted, challenged, and encouraged to live lives whole heartily for the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord put on my heart soon after I was saved a burden to pray for others. It is a white heart fire that the Lord still fuels today. I have seen God move mightily through prayer. The burden for prayer is now a part of the website. You will often find prayer requests for many missionaries, ministries, churches, church planters, pastors, preachers and the saved and the lost. The possibilities are great for prayer. It will give you the visitor the opportunity to be a part of something powerful and mighty in Christ Jesus! Glory!
We want to invite you to use the comment boxes to share with us how God is using this website to touch the lives of those of you who visit us. If you have been blessed while reading any of the blogs, click on "Like" found below each blog so that others through your Face Book or twitter account can learn about A Call to the World Ministries.
This website is not intended to take the place of attending a Bible preaching, Bible believing church. The Bible teaches us in Hebrews 10:25 that we are not to forsake “…the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” Simply put, the born again believer needs to be a part of a Bible believing local church.
In the fall of 2002, at the age of 36, I was alone at my home I wasn't at a church service and I wasn't at a revival meeting, but God had sent many people throughout my life up to that point to share the Gospel. I was at the end of my rope and knew that if I was to die at that very moment I would be hell bound with no hope for heaven. I was dead in my trespasses and sins. On my face- I called on the name of the Lord and He saved me!! Glory to God! I have a dear aunt who had witnessed to me and prayed for me as well. My life has truly never been the same. I praise God for His mercy, grace, and long suffering.
In 2006 God called me to preach, which leads us to the second part of this ministry, the preaching of God's Word. God has called me to be an evangelist. (Ephesians 4:11-12). Since 2006, I have provided pulpit supply, and preached revival meetings as well. As the Lord has opened doors, I have had a desire to pray for and be an encouragement to the people and the pastors of the churches that I have been sent. I have been able to fill the gap when needed for those churches who are looking for a pastor. I have a burden for the sinners and the saints alike, and I truly believe that when God’s man brings God’s message in God’s power, Almighty God will do a powerful work in the lives of both the lost and the saved.
My wife Jodi and I make our home in rural Indiana. Our home church is Providence Baptist Church and our Pastor is Darren McDonald.
If you would like to contact me for pulpit supply, to schedule a meeting, or for any other reason, please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected], or by using the form below. I will be sure to respond in a timely fashion.
May God be glorified, and may many lives be touched in the days to come!
In Christ,
Evangelist Tracy Killinger